The assignment involves a presentation of the heart in the human body. You will

June 22, 2024

The assignment involves a presentation of the heart in the human body.
You will research the anatomy and physiology of the heart, a recent major medical intervention in diagnosing or treating a disease that affects the heart.
A biblical discussion of the major medical intervention is required in the presentation.
Create a Powerpoint or Google Slides presentation that includes the following information about the Cardiovascular System and the Heart.  Organize your slides like this:
*Slide 1: Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System

*Slide 2: Physiology of the Heart
*Slide 3: Describe a recent medical intervention diagnosing or treating an illness that affects the Heart

*Slide 4: Biblical (or Design) perspective discussion about the medical intervention from Slide 3
For Slide 4, think about answers to these questions:
1 How does the medical intervention restore (or help partially restore) the design of the Organ? 
2 What artificial design in the medical intervention is trying to replace the Designer's design in the Organ?
If you are looking for verses, anything along the lines of "love your neighbor as yourself" would fit, since the medical intervention is trying to help someone (love the person) who has an illness or disease.
*Slide 5: Speaker notes explaining Slide 1, 2, 3, and 4

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