The 1619 Project, published in August 2019, is the document we will refer to for

June 29, 2024

The 1619 Project, published in August 2019, is the document we will refer to for the Final Writing Assignment. 
Final Written Assignment Instructions:
Briefly read through the 1619 Project publication provided and select ONE essay or article you would like to reflect on in your final writing assignment. See page 6 of the actual document for a list of essays in the document.
Write a 8-10 page paper, double-spaced, answering the following questions:
1. In the essay you selected, what is the main argument or perspective represented, keeping in mind that the essay was published in 2019?
2. What is the strong evidence the author provides for their argument or perspective?
3. If this article were to be revised in 2024, what updates, revisions, and/or corrections do you think the author would make? Why?
4. If you argue that the author would make few if any changes, substantiate your argument for that as well.

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