Template Provided! In a well-written 3-page paper (excluding title and reference

May 5, 2024

Template Provided!
In a well-written 3-page paper (excluding title and references pages), provide the following:
Suppose you work for Capital Home Improvement, LLC, and a client is interested in having the roof repaired for their house. 
Discuss the elements of a contract (Consideration, Capacity, Offer, and Acceptance).
Develop an original contract for Capital Roofing. Include the itemized work required for the job and signatures by both parties.
Include details down to the company name, logo, address, and homeowner’s address.
Make the contract as complete as possible to address all the essential terms of a legal contract.
Resources provided by course:
– https://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-requirements-contract-15616.html 
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9TnKXn8pGQ&ab_channel=ColinManning
– Powerpoint (Contract Elements) 
-Massey, I. (2008). Risk management for contracts. Civil Engineering : Magazine of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 16(1), 34. https://trident.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/risk-management-contracts/docview/221165761/se-2   

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