Support your post with readings from the learning materials and additional schol

June 26, 2024

Support your post with readings from the learning materials and additional scholarly sources. Cite your sources using proper APA formatting. You may also provide personal observations or experiences.


Epidemiologists tracking health outcomes look at person, place, and time to monitor trends and patterns in the health outcome and to develop hypotheses for further investigation. In this discussion, you practice the skills of calculating a measure of frequency, a measure of comparison, and consider whether populations are similar and therefore whether comparisons are valid.


Recently epidemiologists became interested in the pattern of lung and bronchus cancer among states in the United States. They noticed the incidence of lung and bronchus cancer in Florida was different than that of Utah.

In 2017, the number of newly-diagnosed cases of lung and bronchus cancer in Florida was 17,880. In Utah, the number of newly diagnosed cases of lung and bronchus cancer was 671.

In the 2020 United States Census, the population Florida was 21,538,187. The population of Utah in 2020 was 3,271,616.

Calculate the incidence of lung and bronchus cancer in Florida and in Utah in 2017.

Compare the incidence of lung and bronchus cancer in Florida to that of Utah by calculating a rate ratio. Interpret the result.

What is your hypothesis based on your findings?

Are there any possible problems with the comparison? Do you want more information to compare the occurrence of lung and bronchus cancer in the two states?

Your initial post should:

Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.
Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.
Demonstrate a high level of scholarship by connecting your ideas to course materials and peer-reviewed journal articles reporting on original research, as needed.

Readings Required

Bovbjerg, M. (2020). Foundations of epidemiology (1st ed) Oregon State University.
Chapter 1: What is Epidemiology?
Chapter 2: Measures of Disease Frequency

Aschengrau, A., & Seage, G. R. (2018). Essentials of epidemiology in public health (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 2: Measures of Disease Frequency
Chapter 3: Comparing Disease Frequencies
Chapter 5: Descriiptive Epidemiology

Videos Required

Incidence and Prevalence (2:51 minutes)

Age Adjustment (6:42 minutes)

How to Interpret and Use a Relative Risk and an Odds Ratio (10:59 minutes)

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