Summarize the powers of arrest for private citizens and for police officers in your state.

April 14, 2022

Private Security and the Law
For this assignment, you will research and then analyze the differences between the powers of arrest for private citizens and for police officers in your state.
Write a 1 page paper in which you:
Summarize the powers of arrest for private citizens and for police officers in your state.
Compare and contrast the powers of arrest for these two occupations.
Explain why differences exist in the powers of arrest between these two occupations.
Describe the circumstances under which a private citizen can make an arrest in your state.
Explain the potential liabilities a private citizen might face when making an arrest.
Determine the key criteria necessary to make an arrest in your state for a given situation.
Integrate at least two quality resources using in-text citations and a source list page in your assignment

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