Submit your Research Question and Assumptions via the Dropbox by 11:59 pm CT Sun

July 2, 2024

Submit your Research Question and Assumptions via the Dropbox by 11:59 pm CT Sunday. In this 3-page paper, you will describe where your research would take place, the central research question, and the epistemological, axiological, and ethical issues associated with this research.
Note: you will not have access to the Dropbox to submit this proposal until you have viewed the Plagiarism Tutorial and taken the Plagiarism Quiz.
Research statement (3 pages):
Present and describe a place that you are particularly familiar with (outside your home and workplace) where you would like to closely observe human behavior and interaction (ex: a gym).
Identify some characteristics of the people who frequently use this place (ex: division of space and activities by gender/age/race/ethnicity; similarity or contrast in terms of what people do; clothing patterns; etc.)
Identify and explain:
The focus of your proposed research. Your research could, for example, explore the particular use of this place by different groups of people (ex: gender distinction in a gym) or people’s motivation to come to this place.
One central question that will guide your research (ex: why do men and women tend to use different equipment and dress differently in a gym?)
Discuss the potential epistemological, axiological, and ethical issues associated with conducting this research (Creswell, Chap. 2 and 3.)

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