Submit a 2 page document. Your supervisor, the CHRO needs assistance and delegat

June 24, 2024

Submit a 2 page document.
Your supervisor, the CHRO needs assistance and delegates a short project to you. Your task is to develop a job description for the role of an HR business partner specialist. This position will report to you, the HR Coordinator. Make sure it is a comprehensive job description (use the information in your chapter and you are able to search open positions) BUT do not cut a paste. This position will work directly with you as a HR business partner to improve the work environment from a recent organization merger. Think about the skills needed to support you and the business office.
Also, develop 10 interview questions for the position to be asked of the candidates that will interview for the position. Also add the responses you would expect the candidates to provide as the “correct responses for the questions”.
Submit this as one assignment with two parts.

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