Subject Heading: 12. How do reflexes differ from other motor actions. RESEARCH (

May 7, 2024

Subject Heading: 12. How do reflexes differ from other motor actions.
RESEARCH (Label this section)
The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources.
Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources. Best posts include secondary scholary sources.
CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section, too)
This section is only for your thoughts/conclusions. This is not research based. It is not a summary of your research.
Everyday living: Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
Add References and Word Count at the bottom of posts. I need 125 words minimum please for this research. I am going to add an example of a post so you can have a better understanding of what I am looking for. Please use the textbook of Anatomy & Physiology : the unity form and function , 19th , 10th edition by Kenneth Saladin , Mc Graw Hill. If you don’t have the textbook do not accept the bid. Thank you.

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