Students will pick a contemporary issue within their area of interest and apply

June 18, 2024

Students will pick a contemporary issue within their area of interest and apply course concepts learned over the 14 modules to the chosen contemporary issue. A one-page double-spaced outline will be required in Module 9 that outlines the topic chosen and includes 3-5 sources from course materials that will be used to support the application to the contemporary issue (5 points). The final paper should be 6-7 pages double spaced and reference 7-10 distinct course concepts (20 points). Please bold the course concepts the first time each one is used in your paper. For assessment criteria, please review the rubric below and be sure to address the following prompts:
Identify and establish the context of a contemporary issue.
Connect at least 7 leadership concepts from the course to analyze the contemporary issue.
Propose and explain how you would respond to the contemporary issue given what you have learned in the course.
Use course materials to support each contemporary issue listed. You can use the same course material more than once.

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