Step 1: You will want to select one journal article from a peer-reviewed article

June 23, 2024

Step 1: You will want to select one journal article from a peer-reviewed article through the GMC Library Database; many more databases exist under the Health & Wellness Subject Databases.

Step 2: You will need to identify the study attributes that qualify the work as qualitative research. In addition, you must also address

What was the study hypothesis?
What are the methods used for data collection in this study?
How did the study authors analyze the data?

the essay should include an APA title page and an APA reference page. Your body of work needs to be at least 100 words in length. Note that an APA abstract page is NOT required!

Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point
Margins: 1 inch on all sides
Spacing: Double-spacing
Justification: Left
Paragraph Indentation: Use the Tab key to indent all paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin

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