Socially, there is a popular assumption that “women of beauty” have a dramatical

April 24, 2024

Socially, there is a popular assumption that “women of beauty” have a dramatically easier life than everyone else. Compose an essay that makes a case for the specific, multi-dimensional effects that looks have on the life of a girl/woman (socially, professionally, romantically, etc.).
MLA Format (20pts.)- 1. Must have a Works Cited page with at least 3 online sources and in-text citation parentheses for each source in the body section of the essay. 2. Your essay must be typed, double-spaced and in size 12 font. 3. It must have a double-spaced heading in the top left-hand corner of the first page only, with the following information (in the exact order): your name, instructor name, class, date. 4. Lastly, in the header, your last name and page number must appear. 5. A title for the paper is required. Introductory Paragraph (20pts.)- 1. The first sentence of your intro must provide the topic of the paper. 2. Your thesis statement must give your stance (a.k.a. your opinion) on the topic and briefly list the reasons for your stance. 3. Lastly, if necessary, the thesis must answer the question of why the topic being discussed matters to the real world. Body Paragraphs (20pts.)- 1. A topic sentence that summarizes the paragraph that it is in must appear at the top of every body paragraph. 2. Concrete detail (or bits of real world proof) must support each topic sentence. 3. In-text citation parentheses for the sources must be present (see p.612-613, 623 of Successful College Writing). Concluding Paragraph (20pts.) 1. Paragraph must re-state the thesis statement that was presented in the intro paragraph. 2. Paragraph must make a special point not to introduce any new information. 

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