Since your paper is an expository one, you will be explaining a topic to the rea

May 10, 2024

Since your paper is an expository one, you will be explaining a topic to the reader. You should have one inch margins, double-spaced with a font of 12. The length of the paper should be 4-6 pages typed. This does NOT include the title page and the bibliography page. 
Your paper should include an introduction to let the reader know what you are going to talk about. The body of the paper should expand on all ideas from your introduction. The conclusion should be a summary and a place where you share personal opinions or feelings on the topic. Your title page should include the following:
Title page:
Title of paper in the middle of the page
Your name at the bottom right of the page
Name of the class under your name
My name under the class name
Although this is not an English class, the paper should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Make sure you proofread your paper. If you need additional help, MATC has a writing lab that is at your disposal.
Again, you should have three sources that make up your bibliography from reputable databases or websites ending in .org or .edu  and the bibliography should be in APA format.

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