Since I can remember I’ve always liked school all up to 5th to 7th grade I was r

May 4, 2024

Since I can remember I’ve always liked school all up to 5th to 7th grade I was raised with my dad two sisters, my little brother, step mom and dad. They didn’t have the best relationship they would fight a lot. so I never liked being home i would go out everyday afterschool and leave for the weekend. I moved back with my mom and i was homeschooled for 3 years. I loved being  homeschooled for a few months but after time went by i started to hate it. 
My 11th year i went back to public school, i was having a hard time sleeping in the car having to still go to school the next day. I was depressed  started ditching not caring about school slowly started to realize my grades were dropping and that wasn’t going to take me nowhere . I overcame to realize im almost going to graduate and all that hard work was not going to be for nothing. What I would have done differently is not let my situations bring me down but bring me up to want better and not less. 

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