Select one of the prompts below and write a well researched 2-3 page paper with

April 27, 2024

Select one of the prompts below and write a well researched 2-3 page paper with proper citation and sourcing. Remember papers will be submitted through and AI checker.
Prompt 1:  To what extent are public opinion polls useful in American government?  How can policy-makers use information from public opinion polls to make decisions and should they?
Prompt 2:  What factors influence political attitudes and socialization?  How do these factors help us understand who and why certain people support particular political parties and hold certain policy preferences?
Prompt 3:Select an interest group to research. Explain and evaluate how they attempt to influence policy-makers in the United States.
Prompt 4: Research and explain one way the media influences the government, policy-makers, or citizens in the United States.  
Prompt 5: Research a third party that is active in the United States today.   Explain and evaluate their party platform and how they influence electoral politics as well policy
-The student presents a clear, coherent, original, thesis. -The information demonstrates an accurate understanding of the concepts of the chosen topic.
-Appropriate accurate evidence used to support the thesis. -Meaningful integration of quoted/paraphrased material into writing. -At least four+ accurate pieces of evidence.
-Conclusions are clear and reasonable. -Conclusions are discussed with regard to how they relate to dominant arguments.
-At least three credible sources are used. -Sources are properly cited within the body of the paper. -Properly formatted works cited with few errors.

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