“See the instructions file attached for all details” “Warehouse Systems & Transp

April 28, 2024

“See the instructions file attached for all details”
“Warehouse Systems & Transportation” 
Assignment Task: 
You must produce a sound academic report by (1) critically evaluating the existing literature and (2) producing a novel proposal as per the detailed requirement provided in the assignment brief.
1.     Appraise your work evidently by reviewing and critically evaluating the existing literature, and identifying the research gap. A few high-level criteria listed below reflect the scope and depth of research, that must be carried out by you but not be limited to.
a.     The concept of sustainable transportation modes and their significance in mitigating climate change
b.     The significance of reducing carbon footprint in transportation to mitigate climate change effects
c.      The potential environmental, social, and economic impact, benefits and opportunities  associated with the adoption of sustainable transportation modes
d.     The challenges associated with adopting sustainable transportation modes in logistics and supply chain management
2.       According to the research gap you identified, produce and Illustrate your novel proposal on how that aids businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders to overcome their challenges, adopt and leverage sustainable transportation modes effectively and address the climate emergency successfully. 
a.     Your proposed solution can be a framework, model, process flow diagram, a series of recommendations, etc. 
b.     You must discuss clearly how your proposed solution/model guides and leverages a successful adaptation of Sustainable transportation in logistics and supply chain management

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