Sections to be covered in research paper Only use the following websites for sou

July 9, 2024

Sections to be covered in research paper
Only use the following websites for sources
National Institutes of health 
1. Etiology-What causes the condition? Name the causative organism and describe its morphology, growth requirements.
2. Epidemiology-How is the disease transmitted? Are are they vectors? What is the expected rate of occurrence in the population? Does this illness affect particular populations? Is the disease seasonal or does it affect certain age groups?
3. Symptomatology- What are the symptons, signs, or inications of the illness?
4. diagnosis- What tests and exams are performed and what crieria does the doctor use to determine the nature of the disorder?
5. Treatment- is the disease/disorder curable? Name and describe treaments and how they are selected.
6. Prognosis- What are the chances for cure? Is this condition chronic or acute? How long can the patient live with this condition? Can it be fatal?
7. Prophylaxis- What can we do to prevent this illness? Are there vaccines? 

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