Scenario: GlobalRetail Inc. GlobalRetail Inc. is a large retail corporation with

April 21, 2024

Scenario: GlobalRetail Inc.
GlobalRetail Inc. is a large retail corporation with a diverse range of products and a significant online presence. The company has accumulated vast amounts of customer data, inventory information, and sales records over the years. However, the data is spread across various departments, leading to challenges in data accessibility, quality, and consistency.
Your task is to assist GlobalRetail Inc. in establishing a Data Governance program to address these challenges, with a specific focus on identifying data sources and deciding on data reuse.
Task 1: Identifying Data Sources
1.1 Provided below use examine the five key data sources that GlobalRetail Inc. should consider for its Data Governance program. For each data source, provide a brief description and evaluate its reliability and quality.
1.2 Document your findings in a report, highlighting the potential challenges and opportunities associated with each data source.
Task 2: Data Reuse Decision-Making
2.1 For each identified data source, assess whether the existing data can be reused or if new data needs to be sourced. Provide justification for your decisions, considering factors such as data quality, cost, and compliance.
2.2 Create a decision matrix in Excel to visualize and support your assessments, ensuring that you weigh the pros and cons of data reuse versus sourcing new data.
Task 3: Crafting a Data Reuse Strategy
3.1 Based on your assessments, develop a data reuse strategy for GlobalRetail Inc., outlining the guidelines and best practices for deciding when to reuse existing data and when to source new data.
3.2 Document your strategy in a concise report, ensuring that it aligns with the overall vision and objectives of the Data Governance program.
Submission Guidelines
Submit your reports and Excel decision matrix.
Ensure that all documents are well-organized, clearly labeled, and easy to follow.
Include any assumptions or additional information that supports your analysis and recommendations.
Evaluation Criteria
Your submission will be evaluated based on:
Comprehensiveness: Covering all aspects of data sourcing and reuse, providing thorough analysis and recommendations.
Clarity and Organization: Presenting information in a clear and organized manner.
Justification: Providing strong justification for your decisions and recommendations.
Alignment: Ensuring that your data reuse strategy aligns with the overall Data Governance program and objectives of GlobalRetail Inc.
Data Sources: 
Data Source 1: Customer Transaction Records
Description: This data source contains all the transaction records of customers, including purchase history, payment methods, and transaction dates.
Reliability: High – Transactions are recorded in real-time and are linked to the customer’s account.
Quality: High – Data is validated at the point of entry, ensuring accuracy.
Data Source 2: Online Customer Reviews
Description: This dataset comprises customer reviews and ratings for products purchased, gathered from the company’s website and third-party platforms.
Reliability: Medium – Reviews are user-generated and may be subject to bias or falsification.
Quality: Medium – Data is unstructured and may require cleaning and categorization.
Data Source 3: Inventory Management System
Description: This data source includes information on stock levels, product availability, and restocking schedules.
Reliability: High – The system is integrated with supply chain management, providing real-time data.
Quality: High – Data is maintained meticulously to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
Data Source 4: Customer Support Tickets
Description: This dataset contains records of customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback submitted via email, chat, or phone.
Reliability: High – Tickets are logged systematically, with timestamps and customer details.
Quality: Medium to High – Data is reliable, but may require categorization and analysis to extract actionable insights.
Data Source 5: Social Media Interactions
Description: This data source includes customer interactions with the brand on various social media platforms, such as comments, likes, and shares.
Reliability: Medium – Interactions are genuine, but may be influenced by social trends or external factors.
Quality: Medium – Data is unstructured and may require significant cleaning and analysis to derive meaningful insights.

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