rewrit this and look at the teachers comments and see what you can fix, i will p

April 4, 2024

rewrit this and look at the teachers comments and see what you can fix, i will provide a photo of the comments and what can i do better
Final Term Paper (Due: April 12 ) Janelle Jackiw, MA Crim, M.Ed Psych. JS 100-Introduction to Justice-2024 You will be required to watch the National Film Board documentary: nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up. Which covers the Colten Boushie and Gerald Stanley case. The video is approximately 1 hour and 38 minutes. After you are done watching the video you should then do additional research on the case through an internet search to get a broader and more full perspective. There are a number of topics and issues that we have covered throughout the semester and within the different chapters and readings that were assigned. You will choose 4 topics that we covered this semester and apply it to the documentary – the topics are your choice. I would suggest you organize the paper in the following way: Introductory paragraph to outline the purpose of the paper Brief summary of the case Introduce each topic by providing an overview of your topic choice. You should use additional research or resources to support the topic. Once the topic is explained/developed then apply it the documentary by making direct links and providing critical analysis of the topic in relation to the documentary and case content. Do this for all 4 topics. Each topic should have its own heading. The paper should use APA formatting – 7 th Edition. Thpaper should be approximately 8-10 pages long, not including a title page or reference page.
please see the photo to see thr comments

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