Review the material on government agencies and administrative law in this and la

July 2, 2024

Review the material on government agencies and administrative law in this and last week’s Learn assignments. Consider recent Supreme Court cases that have addressed the Constitutional limits of agency action.
For your discussion thread, first, identify a federal government agency (or its state counterpart) that impacts the day-to-day operations of your business (either current or aspirational). 
Explain briefly the scope of this agency’s authority as it was created by Congress or a state legislature.
Then, provide an example of how your business is impacted by this agency’s activities and regulations. 
How do these interactions advance the goals of the agency? 
Are there better ways to do so? 
Are this agency’s actions within the scope of its authority?
The student will complete 4 Discussions in this course. The student will first post a thread of at least 600 words (content, not including references) by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday of the assigned Module.
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