Review Krutz & Waskiewicz Chapter 15 and compare the Maryland General Assembly t

April 20, 2024

Review Krutz & Waskiewicz Chapter 15 and compare the Maryland General Assembly to one other state legislature of your choice. Describe how the two legislatures vary in size, diversity, party composition, and professionalism.
Identify the Maryland delegates of your primary residence (if you do not live in Maryland, select the university as your residence). Use the following map to find your representatives to an external site. Provide a brief bio. of your delegates (name, district, party identification, tenure in office, committee assignments, professional background, etc.)
Identify a legislative proposal by your delegate that is of interest to you. This can be found by clicking on the “legislation” tab on the delegate’s profile page. List the bill number and title, status, and provide a brief description of the proposal.

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