Review Chapters 1 and 3 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership textbook.

May 5, 2024

Review Chapters 1 and 3 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership textbook.
Read Chapter 12 – Focusing on the Three Stages of a Crisis and Practice Transparency in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership textbook.
Read the article Whistle Blowing in the Public Sector. 
Identify an article or news story that has been published within 90 days. Choose an article that highlights a significant business ethics concern or breach. The article should provide sufficient information for analysis, including the context, ethical implications, and leadership response. You can utilize professional journals, professional association sites, newspapers, web searches, IWU OCLS, and other library research to locate your article. Use the article to answer the following questions:
Provide a brief overview of the chosen article, summarizing the key events and ethical concerns.
Identify and describe the types of ethical and legal challenges discussed in the article or news story.
Evaluate the leadership response to the ethical challenges and effectiveness of the leadership’s communication, decision-making, and actions in addressing the issue and mitigating its impact in terms of the principles and practices you learned about in Chapter 12.
Was the ethical challenge brought to light by a whistleblower? If so, was whistleblowing the appropriate ethical action? Explain your reasoning.
Propose recommendations for ethical crisis management that would have enhanced the leadership’s response and prevented or minimized the impact of the breach. What shadows cast in the ethical issue(s) covered in the article could be avoided by your recommendations?
The assignment should be approximately 2,500 to 3,000 words in length (excluding the title and reference page) and include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources.
Full APA format is required for the paper and citing of references.

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