Results of your implicit association tests. What were your results for each of t

April 4, 2024

Results of your implicit association tests. What were your results for each of the test you have taken?
Reflection on the results: why do you think you ended up with those results? Were you surprised what factors affected your results important reflect on the results not the instrument in other words, do not reflect on perceived flaws in the test and mechanism, but rather your results.
Reflection on how you plan to reduce your bias on the future what are you going to do to reduce your bias in the future how was that benefit your future work in the sports industry for any industry of your choice?
The paper must be at least 34 pages and you are required to cite at least three academic sources, journal articles or books. You may also cite news/digital sources, popular press, like New York Times, Washington Post, ESPN, bleacher report to players Tribune, etc. but that will not count towards your academic short count.
You will not be graded on your resorts on the I had to use, which would like the real significant biases, but rather on your ability to, to reflect on those results, and so identify strategies to reduce the spices in your future
Gender-Career results: 
Your responses suggested little or no automatic association between Female and Male with Career and Family.
Strong automatic association of Male with Career and Female with Family
Moderate automatic association of Male with Career and
Female with Family
Slight automatic association of Male with Career and Female with Family
Little to no automatic preference between gender and family or career
slight automatic association of Male with Family and Female with Career
Moderate automatic association of Male with Family and
Female with Career
Strong automatic association taMale with Family and Female |1%
Race results: 
You were slightly faster at sorting ‘White people’ with ‘Bad’ and ‘Black people’ with ‘Good’ than ‘Black people’ with
‘Bad’ and ‘White people’ with ‘Good’
Much faster at sorting
“Black” with “Good” 3%
Moderately faster at sorting
“Black” with “Good’ 6%
Slightly faster at sorting
“Black” with “Good” 8%
Equally fast at sorting
“White” and “Black” with “Good” 19%
Slightly faster at sorting 
“White” with “Good” 17%
Moderately faster at sorting 
“White” with “Good” 26%
Much faster at sorting
“White” with “Good” 22%
Sexuality Results : 
Your responses suggested a moderate automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people.
Strong automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people 25% 
Moderate automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people 24%
Slight automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people 15%
Little to no automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people 18% 
Slight automatic preference for gay people compared to straight people 8%
Moderate automatic preference for gay people compared to straight people 7% 
Strong automatic preference for gay people compared to straight people 3%
Weapons Results: 
Your responses suggested a slight automatic association for Harmless Objects with White Americans and Weapons with Black Americans.
Strong automatic association of Black Am with weapons and White Am with harmless objects
Moderate automatic association of Black Am with weapons and White Am with harmless objects
Slight automatic association of Black Am with weapons and White Am with harmless objects
Little to no automatic preference between race and weapons or harmless objects
Slight automatic association of White Am with weapons and Black Am with harmless objects
Moderate automatic association of White Am with weapons and Black Am with harmless objects
Strong automatic association of White Am with weapons and Black Am with harmless objects

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