Respond to two prompts, one from each section below. Please note that you are ex

July 10, 2024

Respond to two prompts, one from each section below. Please note that you are expected to research the theory prior to writing. You will incorporate current research from academic articles to support your statements. I suggest you use the prompt to create 
The Two prompts:
(1) Discuss how deterrence, biological, psychological, and sociological theories might be applied to explain variations in crime rates by gender, race, and level of urbanization.
(2) What are the general characteristics of life-course/development theories? Address the
following: What are the major questions about crime that these theories attempt to 
answer? How do these questions differ from other types of criminological theories? What
theories do life-course/developmental theories draw on? Do you see criminal behavior 
as invariant across the life course? Using your knowledge of life-course and 
developmental theory, explain the age-crime curve. Explain how turning points affect 
desistance from crime. In your opinion which of the turning points discussed by Sampson and Laub is most effective for steering individuals away from crime? How could a program
be developed to expose more criminals to this turning point?

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