Respond to the student’s post with at least 250 words and describe ways that you

May 20, 2024

Respond to the student’s post with at least 250 words and describe ways that you foresee the government potentially going too far in its attempt to keep man’s sinful nature in check. For example, in the initial post, the government could suppress the liberty entitled to man as God’s image bearers (over-regulation).  
1. Student #1:
Aviation has taken a proactive stance in addressing the fallen nature of man through the concept of ‘Human Factors.’ These factors, recognized by the FAA due to our inherent human tendencies, are not easy to quantify. However, it is crucial that we all acknowledge their significant role in ensuring everyone’s safety. This is why the IMSAFE process was introduced, as a shared responsibility for all aviation workers, including pilots, to mitigate the influence of these ‘Human Factors ‘. 
2. Student #2:
The fallen nature of man necessitates regulation in aviation for the same reason that the Continental Congress distributed power into three branches:
Sin is in the world.
No one is perfect.
Accountability to others can prevent poor choices or provide fair means for punitive action.
1 Corinthians 10:13 states that God won’t allow for temptations past what we can handle and that he will provide a way of escape (ESV, 2011, 1 Corinthians 10:13). While operating an aircraft, it can feel like we are all alone in the sky and consequence-free, which can lead to temptations like operating recklessly. By having regulations, this can be the way out that God provides us to keep ourselves and others safe, underscoring the crucial role of rules in aviation safety.

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