Respond to the following: [1] Select a principle/tenet from Wooden on Leadership

June 26, 2024

Respond to the following:
[1] Select a principle/tenet from Wooden on
Leadership that resonates with you. Now, keeping in mind sponsorship goals,
discuss how a sports marketer should develop/change their sponsorship campaign
based on this principle/tenet.
Grading Rubric:
A tenet from the book is discussed: 25 points
Linkage of this tenet to a novel real-world
sponsorship example is discussed: 50 points
Writing is effective: 25 points
Note: Your answer
cannot exceed one page in
length; submit via email (to: , not through
Canvas) in Word or PDF by 5:00pm,
Friday, June 28. Your answer format must be in 12-point font,
double-spaced, with normal margins (i.e., 1” on all four sides). This is an ‘open book/note/Canvas’ exam, only. Stay away
from Google, AI, tutors, and your peers. Once
you open the exam file, you have 3 hours to submit your exam.

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