Respond to posting

February 2, 2023

Respond to posting

“Americans are intrigued by celebrity life. We follow the intimate details of celebrity lives, including the most mundane events. Grazian explains that celebrity life is an opportunity for “public reflection.” Explain what he means by this. Your explanation should be rich with original examples.

In this lovely world we have those people that we all want to be and try our hardest to mock or copy what they do to be like them, dress like them and many more. They in a matter of speaking are celebrities and celebrities can range from fashion moguls, musicians, actors/actresses and even influencers. Social media is a major platform for all discoveries that can be made about these celebrities which gets us non celebrities talking about them and keeping them very relevant. That is the goal correct? To stay relevant. A celebrity that is not relevant is not making money and is at risk of being overshadowed and forgotten for the time being. In the reading it states that “We compete against our friends and acquaintances for status and prestige; internalize group-generated cultural attitudes, orientations, and tastes; and allow our comfort among our most intimate allies to inform our sense of well-being” (Grazian, 2017). Now when you think about what they are saying here nit is almost like we live in a world like the hunger games based off of status and entitlement, but we do, don’t we? Social media platforms gives celebrities and many more the platform to influence the outside people to dress how they dress, be how they be and do what they do. We are all competing against each other to get to be just like them. When Grazian uses the word public reflection, he is stating that whether they are celebrities living a different life they are still the same as non celebrities just living in the public eye airing out all their business for everyone to see instead of doing it in the care of your own privacy. ” Our constantly changing situational contexts—and the people we expect to find there—ultimately determine the specific selves we choose to publicly present to the world at any given moment in time” (Grazian, 2017).”

Grazian, D. (2017). Mix It Up: Popular Culture, Mass Media, and Society (2nd ed.). W. W. Norton.

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