Research Paper Draft The purpose of this draft is to develop your research paper

May 4, 2024

Research Paper Draft
The purpose of this draft is to develop your research paper further. The research paper draft should include the following components:
Must be clear, specific, and well-aligned with the focus area of the research.
State and describe the issue/controversy that you plan to explore.
What is the guiding question or the objective of your paper?
State which dimension (social, physical, cultural, environmental) your topic relates to. Explain how the topic connects to that specific dimension.
Why is this topic important?
How did you explore and collect information about the topic?
What is your approach to analyzing the information?
What sources (books, scholarly articles from the library, or the Internet) did you use? Did you conduct any first-hand interviews or observations? 
Well-developed analysis organized into different sections/themes with clear headings for each section.
For the draft version, please have at least 3 sections of your analysis completed that could include but are not limited to the following:
Historical events or developments around the issue
Specific details about different players, their positions in the issue, and how they promote their positions.
Specific case studies or examples
[Please note that the heading/s for this section depends on your topic. Do not submit a section with the heading Analysis in your draft]
List at least 4 sources (2 class and 2 outside) that you plan to use.
Use APA style guidelines for overall format and citations. You can use the following sites to learn more about the APA guidelines:

APA Citation Examples
Citations do not count toward the 5-page limit.
5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point type, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.
If you have any photos or figures, please include them with captions (Photos do not count towards the 5-page paper limit)

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