Research Essay on North American History for a course about Canada – America rel

June 30, 2024

Research Essay on North American History for a course about Canada – America relations
– Topic: American foreign investment into Canada throughout the 1800s and mostly the 1900s
– Research Question: Did both sides get fair value from American business investments into Canada? What are pros and cons for both sides?
– Thesis: Argue which side you like, try to be impartial. I’m suspecting the easier argument will be that America gained more out of foreign investment than Canada did
– This is a general education course, so I’m not expected to be a professional or expert, so do not write it in a super formal or advanced tone of voice. In fact I’m a business student, so having a business perspective woven into the essay might be a good touch. I just need solid examples, historical context, and to fill up eight pages
– Use statistical examples, political examples of foreign investment policies between the two countries
– Need six scholary sources (see assignment instructions attached). Please keep in mind that I am a university student in Canada, so please use sources that look like I’m the one doing the research e.g. try to use Canadian university sources, other relevant scholary sources)

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