RESEARCH [DUE WEEK 8] INTRODUCTION: ASSIGNMENT: This semester has hopefully give

May 6, 2024

ASSIGNMENT: This semester has hopefully given you a foundational understanding of the issues minority groups face in America & an idea for a “call to action” – a desire to stand/speak up for or work to improve living conditions for minority groups. For this essay, I want you to discuss/explain a current or enduring issue for a specific minority group & offer not only a way to deal with the issue but an explanation for why it needs to be addressed. You will use research to support your claims, identify the problem, offer a well-thought-out solution, & argue for its implementation. Some examples of possible issues that could be addressed: if you are addressing the LGTB community, you might focus on their representation in media or even legal problems such as access to bathrooms, conversion therapy, or adoption difficulties. Or, if you are discussing the African American community, you could look at voter suppression in a variety of states or police violence. These are examples only – you may choose to write about them, but you are not limited to them. Students should address issues that they really care about because a “call to action” is more than an argument; it is a philosophy of the humanities and being humane.
MLA Format
Name, date, class & RESEARCH on the first page in the upper left corner
Last name and pg# in upper right header of all subsequent pages
Double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font
1000-1500 word minimum
Multiple paragraphs & evidence of editing/planning
Clear thesis/argument & analysis
Use of at least THREE credible sources
Use of at least one quote &/or paraphrase, complete with in-text citation done in proper MLA format for each source
Properly formatted MLA Works Cited page 
Select ONE minority group or microculture to write about
A narrow topic allows you to be more focused.
You may choose any microculture or minority group in America to write about, including but not limited to:
Sex &/or Gender
Sexual Orientation
Differently Abled or people dealing with diseases
People with mental health issues
Economic class
English as a second-language speakers
You need to select an issue & an actionable strategy for your focus. This means it’s something that could actually be implemented.
To just say something like “racism is wrong & we should end it,” while true, is not actionable. Come up with something that can actually be done.
Define & identify the minority group (DO NOT address ALL or multiple minorities – focus on ONE) and outline/forecast the major parts of your essay.
Address, describe, &/or explain a specific problem for that minority group.
Offer a defined, actionable solution and how it will help the group/situation.
Support your contentions and “call to action” throughout your essay with valid chains of reason, examples, critical thinking, and most importantly the requirements listed below.
Conclude your essay with an explanation on why it matters that this issue is addressed & why it is beneficial to the group & America at large to have this issue dealt with.

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