Research and prepare a 3-5 page paper in which you • identify three physiologica

July 9, 2024

Research and prepare a 3-5 page paper in which you
• identify three physiological changes of aging,
• identify three psychological OR psychosocial changes of aging, and
• develop strategies or plans for the long-term care industry that address the changes of
aging you select.
In developing your care strategies, include environment/facility, nutrition, activity, sleep, safety,
and similar consideration that would be needed to accommodate the changes that occur with
aging or disabilities.
Be sure to use at least three legitimate, scholarly sources to support your work.
Please follow this outline for your paper:
1. Introduction to the topic of changes of aging
2. Identification and description of the three physiological and psychological OR psychosocial
changes of aging you selected, with appropriate citations.
3. Care strategies or plans for long-term care industry development based on your knowledge
of the selected changes in aging and health, with appropriate citations.
4. Summary paragraph

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