Requirements: The essay needs to be approximately 2+ pages long, double-space

May 6, 2024

The essay needs to be approximately 2+ pages long, double-spaced
It needs to follow the outline below
It must be organized through strong topic sentences that connect directly to the theme
You need to include a minimum of 2 QUOTES per paragraph
Your essay should skillfully show your understanding of the two different texts and how the theme statement is present in each
Your essay needs to follow all MLA formatting.Your assignment is to find a common theme between two texts from Fire and Ink and explain how the two texts demonstrate this theme.
Theme Statements Dos and Don’ts
Theme statements do/are
offer a complete, concrete idea
tell a life lesson that can be applied outside a piece of literature
are debatable
Theme statements do not/are not
include names
use 1 or 2’* person
offer clichés
define themes
state the obvious

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