Regarding Our Town, Wilder states:   “Our Town is not offered as a picture of li

April 27, 2024

Regarding Our Town, Wilder states:  
“Our Town is not offered as a picture of life in a New Hampshire village; or a speculation about the condition of life after death. … It is an attempt to find a value above all price for the events of daily life.”
He also believe that theater should…
“…draw upon its deeper potentialities…”
Based on the course readings thus far (Kamp, Jillson, Cullen, Hochschild, and Weber) choose a quote from each act of the three acts to connect to the following questions. Then, explain the connection to the question in no less than 25 words for each quation
1) How and in what way is the play an example of an American Dream narrative?
(student explanation should be no less than 25 words or more for each of the three quotes)
2)  How  and in what way does the play  promotes its American Dream–why would one want to go back to 1901 Grover’s Corner?
(student explanation should be no less than 25 words or more for each of the three quotes)
3) How and in what way does the play call into question the American Dream in 1901 Grover’s Corner–why would one not want to go back to then?
(student explanation should be no less than 25 words or more for each of the three quotes)
Cite quotes according to MLA Standards 
Please address the readings and learning modules as part of your response. Avoid, phrases such as:  “I think,” “to me,” “in my opinion,” and “I agree.”  Simply present your argument with supporting material from the course. 
Be specific and provide detailed examples. 
Please “save as” doc or pdf file and upload through the Turn-it-in portal attached to this assignment.

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