Reflection 7 Reflections Content Write a short reflection statement (350-500 wor

July 5, 2024

Reflection 7
Reflections Content
Write a short reflection statement (350-500 words) after reading Chapter 12. Use complete sentences and correct academic writing to complete this assignment.
Respond in writing to this question:
Does religion enhance moral life? Explain and justify your answer, explaining at least one point given in “The Case for Religion” and at least one point given in “The Case against Religion”.
Reflection 8
Reflections Content
Write a short reflection statement (350-500 words) after reading Chapter 14. Use complete sentences and correct academic writing to complete this assignment.
Respond in writing to this question:
Explain Mackie’s argument against moral realism, be sure to explain at least two of his arguments against it. Do you agree with him that morality is simply a human invention? Explain why or why not.

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