Read the article  (The_Horror_of_Police_—-_(Chapter_3_RoboCop_or_Modern_Promet

June 30, 2024

Read the article  (The_Horror_of_Police_—-_(Chapter_3_RoboCop_or_Modern_Prometheus).pdf ) or text assigned for this week and perform the following tasks:
Extract the main points of the article and briefly summarize them (please identify at the very least, 4 main ideas) – Relate these points to at least two concepts/ideas found in the chapters of your textbook for that week.
Reflect on the article and come up with 2 possible questions you can ask based on the text.
Choose one of the questions you have posed and respond to it, based on what you know and/or what you are able to research. Your response should be in the form of an academic essay. A minimum of two paragraphs, a maximum of a full page (single space).
All of this should be submitted in one Word Document. ASA or Chicago preferred but not mandatory. No title page needed but if you are citing, be sure to add correct footnote citations. 
This should be a minimum of 1 page double-spaced. 
Submit this by Sunday at Midnight EST. Successful completion and submission on time will grant you up to 10 points.
I have uploaded the article. 

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