READ DIRECTIONS CLEARLY. Link is provided at the end of directions.  Respond to

April 22, 2024

READ DIRECTIONS CLEARLY. Link is provided at the end of directions. 
Respond to all questions below – the “fill in the blank” items as well as the online simulation below it. Submit your work by uploading a Word or PDF file. 
Q1-5. Fill in the blanks in this paragraph. For each one, just write down the number and insert the answer next to it, as shown below the text.
To determine seats in the House of Representatives, every ten years, a _____(1)_____ is conducted. On the basis of changes in the size of state populations ______(2)_____ occurs. Redrawing the state’s Congressional map to reflect new political boundaries, known as _____(3)_____, is then undertaken. In most states this is done by the _____(4)_____. If one party controls drawing the maps, it typically does so in a way that will result in its candidates winning the largest number of U.S. House seats as possible. Creating districts in this way is known as _____(5)_____. [5 points each]
Q6-9. Simulation: Members of Congress and Voting Decisions (See the TECHNICAL NOTE at bottom of this page regarding web browser settings.)
In this part of the assignment, you play the role of a Member of Congress considering proposed legislation. In this scenario, there is a bill to amend the U.S. constitution to ban burning the American flag. Find the interactive module “How a Member Decides to Vote”. As you go through the module, take notes (you don’t need to turn them in) on how various individuals, groups, and factors influenced your decision. These could include:
Communications from average constituents in your district
Contacts from community leaders in your district
Lobbying/pressure from interest groups inside/outside your district
Advice of political leaders – party leaders, other members, the president, etc.
The type of district you represent (urban/rural)
The majority view/overall public opinion in your district
Your personal views about flag burning and constitutional rights
Now, respond to the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to reflect your learning from Patterson as well as the module content.
7. First, tell me what kind of district you represent (urban, suburban or rural) and how you voted on the amendment: yea or nay. I need to know in order to best evaluate your responses below.  [5 points]
8. Which people or groups made the most compelling arguments on the substance of the legislation? That is, who had the biggest influence on your support or opposition to the bill based strictly on its merits (the pros and cons of banning flag burning)? Name at least three people who argued for the position you took, and briefly explain why they were important to your voting decision. 
[20 points]
9. How did political considerations influence your decision? That is, how did you evaluate the impact of your vote on things like your re-election chances, your position in Congress, your standing in your political party, local community and so forth? Discuss at least three people not mentioned above from your meetings, phone calls and emails, and explain how their input had an impact on your political calculations and vote decision. (Remember, the assignment is to put yourself in the position of a Member of Congress, not just a student with nothing to lose).  [20 points]
10. What’s the difference between a trustee anddelegate in terms of making voting decisions? As a lawmaker which would be your general approach – to act as a trustee or a delegate? Was your vote on this issue consistent with that preference? Explain briefly – you can address all of this in a few sentences.  [10 points]
BONUS (2 points): 
True or False: In terms of the legislative process, the Speaker has more power in the House of Representatives than the Majority Leader has in the Senate. [just respond with True or False; no need to explain].

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