Read Chapters 4, 5, 22- 26 in Polit, D & Beck, C. (2021). Nursing research gener

May 17, 2024

Read Chapters 4, 5, 22- 26 in Polit, D & Beck, C. (2021). Nursing research generating and assessing
evidence for nursing practice. (11th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Discussion Board:
1.Consider the
two research paradigms: quantitative and qualitative research and discuss the
researcher’s purpose for choosing one over the other. 
2. A. Describe a
clinical problem under which a DNP prepared nurse could utilize one of the
following qualitative research designs which include: a) ethnography, b)
phenomenology, and c) grounded theory. 
B. Describe why the chosen qualitative research design is
appropriate for the clinical problem you have identified.
3. A. Locate a
qualitative article in one of the major qualitative traditions (ethnography,
phenomenology, or grounded theory) and
B. briefly describe the article and
C. how the research questions connect to the methodology.
4. A. Locate a
mixed method nursing research article that interest you and
B. briefly describe how using both research methods in one
study provides evidence for clinical practice.
5.. A. Describe the clinical/practice problem
that you have chosen to focus on for your DNP Project (or are considering
focusing on)      Iam trying to explore
sleep deprivation and interventions in adults admitted to psychiatric inpatient
AND Pharmacological
and non-pharmacological interventions for sleep deprivation in adults admitted
to psychiatric inpatient
B.  State your clinical/practice
question using PICOT format. Please note the PICOT must be a
clinical practice question….the PICOT cannot be related to an academic
problem or any issue that would occur in an academic setting and/or involves
working with students.       
Demonstrates thorough preparation, synthesis and informed
opinion; addresses topic thoroughly; comments/ asks questions that contribute
to group learning. Brings appropriate
outside materials into the discussion; always listens to and supports the
work of others. Meets the deadlines for posting responses as outlined by
course requirements.  Includes
citations in the body of the post as well as references at the end of the
post using APA format.
5- 4.5  
Demonstrates some preparation and generally addresses
topic; comments/asks questions; brings
outside materials to class but may lack appropriateness; usually listens to
and supports the work of others. May be inconsistent in responses or delayed
in response to others. APA formatting errors in citations and references. 
4.4 -2.5
Demonstrates inadequate preparation, marginal or off-topic
posts, lacks synthesis, and reaffirms existing information, minimal / no
contribution to group learning. Posts only within the last 24 hours of the
week; rarely supports the efforts,
ideas, and work of others. Late or no response to others. Posting lacks
citations and references.
2.4- 0
Sound synthesis of material and data analysis from
assigned readings and activities; Draws appropriate conclusions;
facilitates/stimulates interaction and discussion with peers and instructor.
Presents new ideas to the group.
5- 4.5  
Faulty or incomplete synthesis and conclusions of data
analysis, offers superficial opinion; Responses are limited and may not
reflect assigned weekly reading or activities. Interactions and ideas are
4.4 -2.5
Unsatisfactory synthesis of data analysis and conclusions;
content not relevant; absence of informed opinion; absence of new ideas;
responses are weak and disjointed.
2.4- 0

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