QUESTION#1 Please write a response between 10-14 lines in 12pt font. Solution c

April 9, 2024

QUESTION#1 Please write a response between 10-14 lines in 12pt font.
Solution concentrations are critical in knowing how much a molecule or substance is contained in a liquid. If there is a 12 M solution of Sulfuric acid and a 0.12M of sulfuric acid the differences between the 2 solutions are 2 decimal places but could be the difference between life and death. Use an example from your toiletries ingredients. What change would occur when that toiletry is used if the concentration was 2 decimal places to the right. Example Tooth paste Sodium Fluoride concentration, Hydrogen peroxide concentration, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, etc.
QUESTION#2 Please write a response between 10-14 lines
the function groups Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amines, and Amides . What are the differences and similarities of these function groups?
Please write a response between 10-14 lines

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