Question 2 Write a 25- to 50-word personal brand statement related to your caree

July 4, 2024

Question 2
Write a 25- to 50-word personal brand statement related to your career goals in criminal justice. (If you already have your own personal brand statement published online, you may paste a copy of it without risk of self-plagiarism.) What feedback might you want from faculty about your personal brand statement or other career readiness preparation before completing your degree program? How might you network with potential employers to promote your personal brand?
Question 3
How might you get involved with professional organizations in criminal justice to develop your ethical decision-making, management, and leadership skills? Which criminal justice organization’s resources might be most useful for your professional development goals? Explain.
Question 4
How do you perceive your skill level as a leader versus as a manager? How might you communicate differently as a leader of a team than you would as a teammate reporting to leadership?

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