QUESTION 2 Criminal Justice Students will complete the below question: Choose a

June 30, 2024

Criminal Justice Students will complete the below question:
Choose a significant policy within the criminal justice system. This could be a sentencing, rehabilitation, crime prevention policy, etc. Explain the policy in detail and analyze its effects on the criminal justice system, the individuals within it, and society at large. Evaluate the policy from various perspectives (such as societal, legal, ethical, etc.) and propose potential policy revisions or alternatives. Each response would be at least 250 words and follow APA guidelines. 
Describe the selected policy in detail, explaining its origins and objectives.
Examine the impact of this policy on various stakeholders, providing a balanced view of both positive and negative effects.
Evaluate the policy through multiple lenses (societal, legal, ethical, etc.), discussing its relevance and efficacy.
Propose modifications or alternatives to the current policy, justifying your suggestions with theory and evidence.

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