Question 1: What is an example from the recent news that made you think about pu

February 2, 2024

Question 1: What is an example from the recent news that made you think about public health research methods and why? Please link to the news article you are discussing!


  • Give your post a clear title that reflects your main points
  • Write all posts and comments with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • After writing your own post be sure to also respond to at least two classmates
  • Recommended word limit is 100-150 words for main post, 50-100 words for responses to classmates
  • You are strongly encouraged to post your initial forum discussion 24 hours prior to the due date so your classmates have time to read and respond. You will not receive full credit if you do not post your forum with enough time for your classmates to reply or if you do not reply to at least two classmates.
  • Question 2: Post one scholarly article and one popular source on a specific health issue you care aboutYou can post the URLs (websites) for your sources into this discussion, or click on “Upload Document” or “Attach” to upload the actual articles.Print the citation and abstract for each.
  • Question 3:
  • Find two more scholarly sources on a specific health issue you care about.
  • Begin drafting your Reflection and Analysis – Determinants of a Health Issue.
  • Reflection and Analysis – Determinants of a health issue – 5 pts
    • 2 pages, double-spaced
    • Reflection and Analysis Rubric
    • Instructions:
      • This 2-page paper will give you an opportunity to think about a health issue either you or a friend/family member may be experiencing or that is of personal interest to you. You will brainstorm factors (using the ecological model) that influence your or your friend/family member’s experience of this health issue. Although much of this paper will give you an opportunity to use your own voice and delve deeper into possible contributing factors (things that make the problem worse) and protective factors (things that lessen the problem), you should also integrate three references (1 scholarly, 2 popular) to help you relate your own experiences to research that has been conducted. Are findings from research consistent with your own experience? Why/why not?

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