Qualitative and quantitative research are research methodologies used to analyze

May 18, 2024

Qualitative and quantitative research are research methodologies used to analyze human behavior and organizational functioning. Although these represent two unique types of research methods, they both aim to answer or evaluate research question(s). 

Imagine you are a human resource consultant asked to train a group of new employees on quantitative and qualitative research, including the application of these methods in an organizational setting.  

Develop a training module in the following format: 

  • 6- to 8-slide PowerPoint presentation
  • Use comprehensive speaker notes 
  • Include appropriate visual elements

Include the following in your assignment:

  • Overview: Define in your own words qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Assessment Methods: Provide at least one example of a testing, assessment, or evaluation method for (1) qualitative research and (2) quantitative research.
  • Practical Application: Describe at least two organizational situations (e.g., high attrition rate, declining morale, training outcome improvement, or diversity training gaps) to illustrate effective application for both types of research. Include the following:
  • Purpose or objective of the research
  • Research design
  • Sampling method
  • Any statistical method used to analyze data
  • Anticipated results
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points about qualitative and quantitative research that you want your audience to take away from this training. 

Cite at least two sources to support your assignment and maintain APA guidelines. Use this information as a guide to formatting your PowerPoint: https://goodwin.libguides.com/c.php?g=29109&p=7298502

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