Purpose: When it comes to any privacy, the United States typically differentiate

April 21, 2024

When it comes to any privacy, the United States typically differentiates between adults and children.  Online privacy for children is no different.  If you have ever seen a picture on social media of a family that either has a child in their home from foster care or they are in the process of adopting that child, the child’s face is often blurred out.  This is because the legal parent of the child has to give permission before images can be posted online.  You may have also come across a registration form for a camp or something and one of the questions is “May we photograph your child” and “If so, may we post your child’s picture on our social media?”  These are pretty simple cases when dealing with privacy. 
When it comes to websites, however, we know that privacy is a much bigger issue.  How many websites are selling your information that they gathered without you even knowing it?  This becomes and even bigger issue when you think of websites that are targeted towards children.  Because of this, Congress passed the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).    
This assignment will help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:  
What the COPPA is
What information is protected in the COPPA
What role the COPPA plays in website design and programming
How the government enforces the COPPA
Create a power point presentation listing the different aspects of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  Include a minimum of 1 slide for each of the following:
Title slide
History of COPPA
What determinations are used to verify that a website/online service is directed toward children under 13
What type of information is considered personal
How can a website/online service get parent consent
How does the FTC play a role in enforcing the Act. 
Reference slide
Additional Requirements:
PowerPoint must include a reference slide including proper citation throughout the presentation.
Minimum of 2 references, with one being from either a government entity or a peer reviewed source.
Minimum of 7 slides including title slide and reference slide. 
If the presentation was made on Google Slides, please download the presentation as a PowerPoint file and upload it as a ppt or pptx file. 

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