Purpose: The purpose of this journal article summary assignment is to help you u

March 8, 2024

Purpose: The purpose of this journal article summary assignment is to help you understand how research is conducted and reported in healthcare. You will be asked to find and read one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article RESEARCH ARTICLE THAT FOCUSES ON A STUDY on a topic of interest covered this semester. TOPIC-HIV/AIDS epidemic

Knowledge: This assignment will help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:

  • Understanding the different types of epidemiologic studies that are employed in healthcare.

Task: You will complete one (1) journal article summary and submit your completed summary in the designated assignment folder in D2L.

Journal article selection criteria: Please read the following to ensure that you have selected a correct article to summarize.

  • Find and read one (1) peer-reviewed research article
  • Research article must be from a research or academic journal, and the article should be PEER REVIEWED in accordance with the PowerPoint presentation shared in D2L.
  • Article must have been written within the last 10 years (2014 – 2024).
  • When selecting a research journal article, READ the entire journal article, not just the abstract.

READ the article a few times so that you understand what this article is all about, and can get a clear understanding of the study, rationale for the study, methodology used to conduct the research, and the findings or outcomes of the study.

For this assignment, please identify a JOURNAL ARTICLE, and not a literature review, summary review, a report, or an editorial.

Written Assignment Instructions and Format:

  • Submit your research article with the written summary
  • Complete your summary in one page.
  • Your summary will be two – three paragraphs long
  • The reference should be in APA format at the top of the page.
  • A cover page is NOT required, however, your name, class and “Article Summary” should be in the header of the document.
  • Summary should be typed using Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri 11 or 12-point Font
  • Paragraph spacing: 1.5 or double-spaced.
  • Header: Use the three (3) section header.
  • To find the Header formatting tool: In word, go to Insert – Header- use drop down, find the Blank (Three Columns) and click on this to insert this header format. Make sure that your header is in Times New Roman typeset and 12-point font. (Usually the default is Calibri, 11-point font)

After the header, at the top of your page, you will provide the journal article information in the following APA format:

Author(s). (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal name, volume, number, pages, DOI. *Make sure this is in APA 6th format.

Example: Yeager, V. A., Ferdinand, J. D., Beitsch, M.D., & Menachemi, N. (2015). Local Public Health Department Characteristics Associated with Likelihood to Participate in National Accreditation. Am J Public Health, 105(8), 1653-1659. doi 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302503

Hit enter, then start typing your summary.

Paragraph 1 & 2: Summarize the article. This should be one-two paragraphs. Please refer to the articles that are in D2L regarding how to summarize an article.

Paragraph 3: What did you learn from this study? Provide a few sentences of what you learned when reading this study that you did not know before reading this study. This should be your last paragraph. Begin this paragraph by stating the following: What I learned from this study is…

Criteria for Success: To be successful in writing this assignment, follow all the directions above. Your papers will be graded based on following the directions, using proper grammar, and summarizing the information in your own words, as well as turning in a copy or a link to the research article.

Remember: Do not quote directly form the article, instead, summarize in your own words what the author(s) have stated in the article.

NOTE: Turnitin may be utilized to detect plagiarism. A grade of a zero (0) will be awarded for any plagiarized papers.

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