Provided are the guidelines to complete each part:  Provide a written overview o

June 12, 2024

Provided are the guidelines to complete each part: 
Provide a written overview of the natural and physical environments affecting your strategy audit company (Southwest Airlines). This summary could include topics such as but are not limited to the climate, pollution, weather, temperature, sea level, fresh water, flooding, etc. There is no minimum number of topics to write about; however, each one should be relevant to your strategic audit company.
Explain how the following forces are currently affecting industries in which your strategic audit company (Southwest Airlines) competes:
Please provide a 2-3 sentence explanation for each force, with at least one outside source properly cited and references for each to validate and support your answers.
3.Complete an External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) table following the guidelines and instructions in the following documents:
-External Factor Analysis Summary Guidelines (DOCX)Download External Factor Analysis Summary Guidelines (DOCX)
-EFAS Worksheet (DOCX)Download EFAS Worksheet (DOCX)
-EFAS Sample (DOCX)Download EFAS Sample (DOCX)
Review the Strategic Audit Report Guidelines page for additional details on this course project.
My Strategy audit company is Southwest Airlines
Parts 1 and 2 of your assignment should be one written page each in length for each part.
Part 3 of your assignment should consist of the completed worksheet.
All pages should be double-spaced, with sources cited and referenced using current APA formatting.
You should have a total of two (2) written pages and the completed worksheet upon completion of all parts. Compile all pages of your document to submit to this assignment.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
You are submitting your paper as a draft to Turnitin so that you can check the originality report, but the paper will not be stored in the Turnitin repository at this time.

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