Protein Data Bank: INSTRUCTIONS: Download the coordinate f

March 3, 2024

Protein Data Bank:
INSTRUCTIONS: Download the coordinate file for PDB ID 3OLF from the protein databank, open the file in a word processor, and use the information contained therein to answer the following questions.
Does not have to be full sentences
1. What is the name of the protein that is modeled in 3OLF?
2. What is the name of the ligand that is modeled in 3OLF?
3. From what organism did the gene encoding the protein originate?
4. In what organism was the protein expressed?
5. What is the resolution of the crystal structure?
6. What is the value of Rwork?
7. What is the value of Rfree?
8. What is the value of | Rwork – Rfree | ?
9. What is the estimated coordinate error from the Luzatti plot (in angstroms)?
10. What is the RMS deviation of the bond lengths from ideal values (in angstroms)?
11. What is the RMS deviation of the bond angles from ideal values (in degrees)?
12. What is the value of Rmerge?
13. What is the % completeness across the entire dataset?
14. How many amino acid residues are missing from the model?
15. What geometric problems exist in the model according to the annotations in the coordinate file?
16. How many polypeptide chains are modeled in this structure?
17. To which amino acid residue does atom #58 belong?
18. What is the Y coordinate value for atom #58?
19. What is the occupancy for atom #58?
20. What is the B factor for atom #58?

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