Propose a memo for a policy-making body — in the US or UN or perhaps an IGO or

June 12, 2024

Propose a memo for a policy-making body — in the US or UN or perhaps an IGO or NGO — to minimize or mitigate your transnational crime group. Make sure your policy recommendation addresses the problems that you identified in the conclusions of the case study. Think about the causes and effects of your group; try to associate your policy ideas to resolve the foundations of your group and/or the results of your group.  
Include a conclusion about the likelihood of your recommendation being enacted in the policy making body to which you addressed your policy idea. Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information, and use headings to separate your ideas. 
Technical Requirements:
Paper must be 9 PAGES (no title page)
Scholarly and credible references should be used. At least 6 scholarly sources are required to be used for this assignment. APA
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

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