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June 13, 2024

Fonts: Times New
Roman or Arial size or Calibri size 12
Line Spacing: 1
or or 1.15 or 1.5
Margins: Normal
1.0      Introduction Chapter one
Title and names of
investigators plus qualifications and affiliations 
Summary/Abstract – a paragraph like a summary
1.2.  1: Introduction – introduction of study topic
Rationale for study/Statement of the problem
Theoretical and/or Conceptual Framework – you can give either one of it or if you study demands you can
put in both
Significance of the Study/ Justification of the
study / Social Value of Project/Innovations (novelty) – what value your study will add to the economy and how can it be related to
the global economy/global market, importance during COVID 19
Research Question/ Alternative or Null
hypothesis – the research questions will be in
alignment to the objective
Aim/goal of the study (General Objective)
Specific objectives
Conceptual Definitions
Operational Definition of Terms as Used in the study.
Study Variables
Dependent Variable
Independent Variables
A Table  with
Columns on ‘Variables, Type of variable, Indicators, Scale of Measurement/
Cut-Off Points and Question Numbers
Chapter Two
Introduction to the Literature Review – should be informative showing that you hve read adequate
related literature to the topi, how and why if you want to domesticate an
already researched topic with the current data and most importantly to show the
RESEARCH GAP. The review should be a
mix and balance of historical and recent literature, if there is no evident
recent literature for the topic, remember to notify it in the background (point
2.0Literature Review (Review historical
and recent relevant literature and this
Should contain subheadings under each
study variable providing
The global, regional and local
perspective on each study variable.
Indicate the sources of the literature which should include recent
Published articles from computerized
databases such as Google scholar and 
PubMed.  Also, include other sources of literature
like WHO publications Also
– Indicate the key search terms that
you used during your Literature search.
3.0       Methodology
Design – type of study design
Study site
Population/study frame  – do mention how the
data collection will be done and how will you overcome the problems arising dur
to COVID 19
Sample size determination and
sampling – method of sampling, technique or sampling
Inclusion exclusion criteria – if you have one
Approach/Procedures (per specific
Data management, Processing, and
Data Analysis (per specific objectives or use table of variables to indicate
data analysis methods) – data collection, tabulation
and analysis technique
Ethics considerations (state ethical issues and how they will be
addressed; state any risks and benefits to participants, issues of compensation
or ancillary care, informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality, etc.) – if there are any issues with the participants or respondents
how will they be addressed
4.0       Budget in
Zambian Kwacha and budget justification – budget should
be well justified and include details of the fee paid to UNZABREC
5.0       Time
6.0       Potential
pitfall and alternative strategies – What are the
problems and how you will overcome them
7.0       Deliverables
– how the study will be disseminated via publications,
attending conferences or publishing the thesis
8.0       Reference
List (Use APA style, but Harvard can also be preferred)  – use only APA style
for the complete referencing We suggest you use software such as Endnote or
freeware such as Mendley or Zotero.
9.0       Appendices/Attachments
– all attachments are required
9.1       Information
sheet (Purpose of study, length of study, procedures, compensation,
risks/burdens and benefits/ancillary care etc.
9.2       Consent/assent
form (Ensure you add UNZABREC contact address)
9.3       Questionnaires

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