Prompt With 1000-1200 words of analysis, compare the realist aesthetics of The S

April 29, 2024

With 1000-1200 words of analysis, compare the realist aesthetics of The Social Dilemma to the formalist aesthetics of Black Mirror, Season 3, Episode 1: “Nosedive.” Using at least four elements from the lists of aesthetics (2 from each) provided in Modules 11 and 12, explore precisely how the films use these aesthetics. Why does each film use these aesthetics to address a similar subject? What meaning is offered?
Overall Expectations:
Read through the prompt and all relevant documentation.
Watch the films assigned for the final. Take notes during your screening of the film, keeping in mind the questions included in the prompt for the final.
Respond to the prompt using 1000–1200 words. This assignment requires a critical analysis of the film, and you will need much of this word count to respond to the prompt adequately. As such, keep introductions and conclusions to a minimum, and eliminate as much plot summary as possible. I have seen the film; you do not need to explain to us what happens in it. Note: this does not mean you do not need to include a detailed description of the specific moments in the film you are using as support.
Your response should include specific use of course terminology introduced in Modules 11 and 12. Furthermore, your response should refer to specific scenes in the film as examples/for support, using as much precision and detail as possible.
Your work will demonstrate a good faith effort to engage with the film. You can analyze and write critically about something you do not care for on a personal level.
The format and level of polish for this assignment are important. Your ideas should be clear, and your writing coherent. Utilize campus resources (Undergraduate Writing Center) if you need to.
This assignment needs to be completed by the date and time specified above and submitted to SafeAssign on Blackboard.

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