Prompt: Imagine a scenario where Earth has been attacked by an alien civilizatio

April 29, 2024

Imagine a scenario where Earth has been attacked by an alien civilization.  The first attack results in the destruction of an entire US city, shocking the American public and drawing the entire world into a war, with the United States leading the fight to protect our planet.  
In this scenario, consider the various roles of the American President.  Explain how the President might respond in each of these roles.  What powers or resources would they possess?  What constitutional limits or constraints would they face? 
Remember to Include:
☐ A focus on several of the roles we explored in lecture
(Head of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Party Chief, or Chief Legislator)
☐ At least one quote from our textbook.
☐ Real examples from US history or modern politics.
☐ A well-formatted Works Cited page.
Background Details:
Although your essay will be a product of imagination, it will require you to describe the actions that a real-world President would take in the aftermath of this catastrophic event.  Remember to base your analysis in the actual powers and constitutional limits of the American President.
Be sure to answer the prompt fully, use examples, and write at least 850 words.  You may draw upon materials covered in class, including the course textbook, as well as outside articles and resources that you find. Please be sure to quote and cite properly. This assignment will be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or a .pdf file. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the submit button and upload your assignment file. 
Formatting Guidance:
Font:  Times New Roman (size 12) or Calibri (size 11)
Page Margins: No greater than 1 inch. 
Spacing:  Double Spaced
Style:  Chicago or MLA preferred.
This is the link for the video 

Please see the photos attached for more information 

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