Prompt: Summarize in writing the following major historical events that shaped t

May 12, 2024

Prompt: Summarize in writing the following major historical events that shaped the lives of Chicana/o people in the late twentieth century.
Note: All historical events listed below must be summarized in your paper to receive full credit.
-U.S citizens complaining that immigrants take away jobs.
-The disadvantages of Chicanas (Mexican American women).
-Proposition 187
-Democrats and Republicans on Mexican (and Latinos) voters.
-The 1.5 generation and UCLA students.
-The minority-majority state.
-The difference between Chicano and Hispanic labels.
-the colonial mentality today
Essay must be a minimum of 2-3 pages
Essay must be double space with 12 font letters
Organize your paper in an introduction-body-conclusion format as required in an MLA paper.
All historical events listed must be summarized in the body paragraphs.
All paragraphs limited to 5-7 sentences each

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